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We are a friendly social guild recruiting friendly players or any class/spec/level. We raid twice a week, currently progressing through Nighthold. We require Tanks and healers as priority but dps are welcome too. We ask for 860 min ilvl for raiding.
up and coming raids, Current raider members,roles and availability level.
The Nighthold was a bustling city, separated from the rest of Azeroth after the citizens decided to seal themselves off and protect themselves from the Burning Legion, believing the rest of Azeroth lost. In the events leading up to Legion, Gul'dan approached Grand Magistrix Elisande and seized control of the Nightwell, the sustaining life-force of the Nightborne. Due to relying on the magical power of the Nightwell for millennia, the Nightborne are addicted to its magic and wither when they are taken away and exiled from its energy. This moment was covered in the Twilight of Suramar comic which was published leading up to Legion.